Meet The Team

Smudge the pug hails from central Michigan, and although far from a "luxury" creature, is the heart and soul of our household.

Emmet is a Leonberger from Indiana (his breed is from Leonberg, Germany), and true gentle giant. Emmet enjoys kisses, hugs, looking into your eyes, and baby talk.

Minka also hails from central Michigan. She is a spirited and controlling Australian Shepherd, which is par for the course with this breed. She is head of our human resources department.

Muffy is our elderly calico. When not drinking high balls, she enjoys bingo, getting her own way, and yelling at anyone who will listen.

Chloe, a Maine Coon, is SoCal born and bred. She is polydactyl. Chloe enjoys watching birds, chirping, and daydreaming. She is Raya's sister.

Raya, aka, Ray Ray, is a Maine Coon from SoCal. She definitely has a SoCal Luxe attitude, with a spunky demeanor that makes her endearing. Her interests are food. Her hobbies include eating. In her free time she begs for food. Raya is Chloe's sister.

Bob is tabby who came into my parents life at a young age. Bob is a senior male who is battling lymphoma. Once a fighter, always a fighter. Bob has enriched my parents lives to the fullest, and for that, I am eternally grateful.
Felix is our Halmahera blue tongue skink. Felix is a very feisty and food-driven creature. He enjoys basking, roaches, mealworms, hornworms, squash, and green beans.

Unnamed Betta
Our Betta is a relatively new edition who thrives in a bioactive aquarium. He is unpleasant with others. His looks make up for his attitude.